Warning! This video might be annoying!

Poor woman followed around by person dressed as a bee. See what it's like when you're constantly bugged by an annoying sound. If you, or someone you know, suffer from tinnitus there's a really useful link at the end.

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There are a gazillion movies released each year and we just can't see all of them in a theater, but fortunately they are many outlets for after the movie theater run.


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Click here to play Buzz! The Hollywood Quiz and challenge your mates to play against you online
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It's "made from" chocolate, frozen ginger, coriander, sage, black basil, pear sorbet and whipped cream...yum!


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MTV puts beautiful models to the test! Throwing them into a house to carry out experiments and IQ tests to decide who will win the dubious title of 'America's Most Smartest Model.'
If cruel tests on gorgeous models offend you, then don't watch it on Sunday 20th Jan, 9pm, on MTV ONE.
Join the protest at www.mtv.co.uk/againstmodeltesting
Models have right too, ya know!


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